The Little Things
There is more to your success as a runner than simply running. A lot more.
What do you need to do to reach your running goal?
Of course, you’re going to need to run.
But is running the only thing that will help you be successful? Not even close!
This course is designed to help you get the most out of the miles you run by helping you recognize the value of doing the "Little Things" that will help you stay healthy, recover quicker, and train more consistently in the pursuit of your goals.
In short, this course will hopefully show you that the Little Things are anything but little!
Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself
Why the Little Things Matter
Why I Created This Course
Food is Fuel
Quality is Important
The Best Diet for Runners
Are Some Foods Off Limits? No, But...
The Allure of What's Forbidden
Foods to Limit/Avoid
How Much Water Do You Need to Drink?
Don't Forget About Your Liquid Calories
Step Up Your Water Game
Does Caffeine Dehydrate You?
Race Day Nutrition
Additional Diet/Nutrition Specific Resources
Intro: What is Cross Training?
Benefits of Regular Cross Training
Different Types of Cross Training
How Much Cross Training Should You Do?
Most Overlooked, and Very Beneficial, Type of Cross Training
I'm a Runner, So Shouldn't I Run More and Cross Train Less?
Additional Cross Training Resources
Why is Sleep Important?
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
Quality of Sleep v Quantity of Sleep
Improve Sleep Quality
Sleep Specific Resources
Flexibility/Mobility Intro
Your Flexibility Decreases over Time
Stretching 101
Soft Tissue Work 101
Soft Tissue Tools
Do. It.
Support the Cause
Denny Krahe
Find out how to get the most out of your training but diving into this course!